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File Customization

Learn how to customize the Tree Item component.


Change nested item's indentation

Use the itemChildrenIndentation prop to change the indentation of the nested items. By default, a nested item is indented by 12px from its parent item.

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Apply the nested item's indentation at the item level

By default, the indentation of nested items is applied by the groupTransition slot of its parent (i.e.: the DOM element that wraps all the children of a given item). This approach is not compatible with upcoming features like the reordering of items using drag & drop.

To apply the indentation at the item level (i.e.: have each item responsible for setting its own indentation using the padding-left CSS property on its content slot), you can use the indentationAtItemLevel experimental feature. It will become the default behavior in the next major version of the File Explorer component.

  • Documents

    • Personal

    • Group photo

  • History

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See the documentation below for a complete reference to all of the props and classes available to the components mentioned here.